


A slab is a large flat rectangular piece of quarried natural stone used where grout joints dwindle the overall appeal of the structure. Slabs are generally used for making kitchen countertops and outdoor BBQs. The large surface portrays the elegance of natural stones.

Various manufactured stones are available in the market that mimics the look of stone. But, nothing can match the beauty and grace of natural stone. Stone Universe Inc slabs are available in a wide range of colors and types. The natural slab stone is available in sandstone, limestone, slate, and basalt. Each stone type has distinct character traits.


Want to give a new look to your outdoor kitchen?

Stone Universe Inc offers a number of different types of the slab for both interior and exterior applications. It is useful for residential areas like a kitchenette, BBQ counters, bathroom vanities, top of cabinets, benchtops. It proves equally valuable for commercial spaces like reception counters, restaurant tables, and laboratories.

visit SUI for color options and sizes!

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